
For this fourteenth episode of the DDM semi-reboot, the topic of brevity is briefly discussed. Believe it or not, this was one of the original goals that I had when starting the Doubtfully Daily Matigo show many years ago. When I begin talking about a topic, I can soliloquise for far, far longer than most people are willing to listen. This is suboptimal. Ideally, a core idea should be communicated in a minute or less — the famous Elevator Pitch concept — with the goal of encouraging an audience to follow up with questions or nonverbal cues to continue the discourse.


People keeping score will notice that there was no episode 12 or 13. These were recorded but, because the episodes were approaching 15 minutes each, it did not seem logical to release them. A 15-minute episode should be something that is clear, researched, and interesting. Episode 12 was on poor-quality products while episode 13 was on the addictive qualities of confectionary sugar used in Western countries … neither of which had any real amount of research. So, rather than subject people to a soapbox rant about quality and responsibility, it made more sense to ditch the shows.